After this short momment, we don't need to worry about electrical cable. Because just a short time after this we can enjoy electrical things without cables any more.Because of the reseacher From MIT always continue to expand this metode .this electric without cables are called Witricity. The way of working just the same as the wireless Hot spot Internet.
The Metode that send the electric energy without cable isn't the new one.The draft that we expand by the researcher MIT is a thing that Nikola Tesla has Found it a Century ago.Unfortunately this imigrant of Serbia was die beafore reach her Idea.
Perhaps the using of this thing has discared because some people thing that this item isn't very efesient.Beacuse the electromagnetic energy that is used as the energy is reflecting to the all dirrection, not just one direction.If this electric without cable has aplicated as cormersil. absolutely it's safe our electric cables, that we are used.
The reseacher, Marin Slojacic, make this progress with the technic of Magnetic. With caring to the resonanse wave between the aiming tools and the electrically trough tools with the frequens. this electric energy become very efisient.
Soljaci and his teams has suceeded a 60 watt lamp with reflecting the electromagnetic wave with the length 2 metres. electromagnetic waves from the iron 60 cm wide.the energy that suceed is called wicTricit.that has efiseintion between 40 until 45 %.
"this is very surpprissing.the proses is easy we just go to the lab and do it every time we want or we Like," said Soljacic. the quality can be expand with his team can have the higher quality.
According to him, seukuran copper coil was still too large, if only for the laptop battery. Distance pancarnya can also be improved so that a minimum of energy sources can fill in all electronics equipment in a room.
He was sure the power cable without this safe for the human body and other living creatures. In addition, at the beginning of the experiment found the risk of disruption or damage to the various electronics equipment such as mobile phones or credit cards. However, further research needs to be done.